Yoon Kyung Shon

Ph.D. Student

Curriculum vitae

Computer Science

University of Maryland College Park

Building Search Engine for ICS domain

Utilizing a crawling library below, we initiated the process with the seed http://www.ics.uci.edu and crawled and indexed approximately 136,604 pages within the ics.uci.edu domain.
  • Crawling library, Java: http://code.google.com/p/crawler4j/
  • Crawling library, Python: https://github.com/Mondego/crawler4py 
Subsequently, we developed a keyword-based web page search engine, implementing a ranking system that integrates TF-IDF, PageRank, and Cosine Similarity to enhance search result relevance. 
  • Base algorithm - rank by TF-IDF
  • Main algorithm - rank by Cosine Similarity  and PageRank
Search Engine

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